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If you are having problems viewing the Arrowhead Line website, such as pictures not showing, or appearing blurry or distorted, then maybe these suggestions will help.

First, please be aware there are a lot of pictures, and so the page may take some time to load. This is especially true if you are using a dial-up internet connection. I try to make regular improvements to the website, and I am always adding new pictures from my ever-growing collection. If you have a broadband connection, then you should not have any problems. (I have Verizon DSL). If you are still using a dial-up service, you might want to consider upgrading to DSL or cable if it is available in your area. Prices have dropped considerably and broadband service isn't too expensive anymore. You will be able to load webpages lightning fast, (on my connection, the Arrowhead Line page loads in about 2 or 3 seconds) and of course you will have the added freedom of being able to use your phone and internet connection at the same time.

I have noticed an occasional problem where some images fail to display when the page loads. This may be a common problem with Yahoo Geocities. If there are any missing pictures after the webpage loads, or if you use any of the shortcut links to go to a picture and the picture doesn't display, try right clicking with your mouse and then select "Show picture." Sometimes refreshing or reloading the page will also fix the problem.

Special Note For Mozilla Firefox Users

I have discovered a problem where some of the pictures I've added to the website recently do not display when the page is viewed with with the Mozilla Firefox browser. I had uploaded these pictures to a subdirectory, and for some reason Firefox does not recognize the backslash command in an image path. I moved the pictures back to the main directory and changed the path for the images. The pictures should now display correctly. Clear the cache and cookies from your Firefox browser and you should be able to see the pictures.

Special note for America Online users:   If pictures appear blurry or distorted, it is because your AOL browser is compressing the images! At the time I uploaded the images, they were clear. To get the most enjoyment out of the site and to see pictures clearly, you will need to turn off image compression! Click the "Settings" tab on the top of the screen, and then select "Preferences" from the drop-down menu. This should open a new window. Select "Internet Properties" and this should then open a new window titled "Internet Options" or something similar. Click the "Web Graphics" tab. In the list of options, select the option "Never Compress Graphics." Now delete all temporary internet files and then reload the page. Everything will look much better, and the graphics on all the webpages you visit will look much better. The AOL browser compresses graphics to make webpages load faster, but results in terrible image quality.