We don't agree with set diets and faddy eating, here we have suggested some meals which can get you started on your new healthy way of life!


Breakfast, say many, is the most important meal of the day, and we agree! By starting the day with a filling and nutritious meal you give your metabolism a kick start. You will feel full all the way up to lunchtime, therefore avoiding the temptation of that mid morning snack. Here are some healthy breakfast ideas:

Bowl of cereal, avoid sugary ones, go for wholegrain and use skimmed milk

Fruit Juice compliments breakfast and gives you your first serving of fruit for the day

Wholemeal toast, top with a poached egg, grilled bacon,mushrooms and low fat spread

Bagels are very low in fat, use some reduced sugar jam

Chopped up fruit such as apple, banana, pear, topped with natural  low fat yogurt


What you have for lunch often depends on your circumstances. It is better to eat a fairly substantial meal at lunch time to fuel you through the afternoon. If you work it is a good idea to take a healthy packed lunch with you. If your job involves lots of pub lunches, avoid alcohol if your watching your weight and order something fresh and low fat.

Salad is very filling and can be varied with different veg, cold meat, cottage cheese, etc

Sandwiches of whole grain bread with low fat meats, soft cheese, tuna and salad veg

Crispbreads, rice cakes, rye crackers are very tasty and low in calories

Fresh Fruit, pots of yoghurt for something sweet afterwards

Low Calorie soups are filling and warming on colder days, serve with brown bread


Dinner can often be a sociable and enjoyable occasion, if you eat out avoid fatty foods and creamy sauces. When preparing your own foods the possibilities are endless. Try and make the weeks menu balanced with a mixture of meat, if you eat it, vegetables.
Grilled lean steak with broccoli, carrots or other vegetables or salad.

Veg stir fry with leek, beansprout, cabbage, carrot, pepper, mushrooms.

Grilled white fish with peas and skimmed milk parsley sauce

Pasta with tomato and pepper sauce

Ham and Pineapple thin crust pizza with mixed salad and low calorie coleslaw

Jacket potato with baked beans, tuna and low fat grated cheese

Chicken Tikka Masala
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