Fifteen Ways to Help Your Children Like Themselves

Author Unknown

1. Call attention to the good things they do.
2. Show them that they are important to you.
3. Take their ideas, emotions and feelings seriously.
4. Set limits and clear rules, and enforce them, but don't tie them down with too many rules.
5. Use language that builds their self-esteem.
6. Give them responsibility so that they feel useful.
7. Have reasonable expectations. Praise for success.
8. Encourage them to make decisions, and teach that they must accept responsibility for those decisions.
9. Spend time with them.
10. Discuss problems without placing blame or commenting negatively on their character.
11. Be sure they know your values. Instead of telling, show.
12. Be a good role model by showing them that you feel good about yourself.
13. Teach them to respect those with different backgrounds, values and experiences.
14. Help them learn to deal with time and money.
15. Show how much you care for them. Hug them and tell them again and again that they are terrific and that you love them!

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