Joe Bates Saga Alternitive Ending
by Donna Allyson McLeod

Chapter 60

..........The six women went into the dispensary. Dr. Krell had set up a set of folding privacy curtains in such a manner that anyone walking by the door to the room could not see who was in the room. A sign outside the door said "Private. Un-authorized Entry Prohibited"

..........This was done to protect Phil from identification until the transformation was completed and his identity was irreversibly changed. No one knew what name Phil had elected to take. But it was assumed that they would be informed by their new friend in due course.

..........The ladies all lined up at the foot of the bed with the exception of Karen who went around the curtain to assist Dr. Krell. A few words were exchanged between Dr. Krell, Karen and Phil.

..........Tim looked at Joe when he heard the strange voice. What they all heard was a young very feminine sounding voice. Tim mouthed the words without sound. "That's Phil???" Joe nodded his head.

..........Dr. Krell came around the end of the curtain. "Ladies, before I remove this curtain I want to prepare you for a shock. This transformation was accomplished almost in total in the brief few hours since Phil went into the "Cage."

.........."My associates in Atlanta have succeeded in isolating the cause of the de-aging syndrome that you all appear to be suffering. It basically is another alteration of your genetic makeup. The gene that controls age was reset like a computer program. It basically defaults to a level somewhere around fifty to seventy five percent of the age of the person at the time of exposure. The result is you all will attain a relative age of between twenty five and fifty percent of what you formally were. The reason you do not age reduce at the same rate or by the same percentage is due to several differences in your individual levels of certain hormones. I took the liberty of explaining this to Phil last night before he was exposed. I told him that I could stabilize this level and that he would transform to the maximum age reduction all at once with no further reduction afterwards. Phil agreed to get it all done at once. In Phil's case here, he went the full fifty percent reduction.

..........Incidentally I also can do the same for each of you. One IV and three hours later you will be finished with the de-aging process at whatever point you are at now. From that point on you will develop and age at a normal rate."

"How is this de-aging thing going to effect us mentally? Are we going to start thinking and acting like teenagers again doctor?" Asked Dave.

"No, not at all. At least as best as we can tell. This youth phenomenon seems to be effecting all of your body but has not changed the way you think or act. One exception, your developing femininity seems to be Un-effected.

..........The changelings all looked at Dr. Krell with astonishment.

..........Tim was the first to recover, "Doctor, If that is true, I was twenty one, I now look about thirteen.

..........Does that mean I most likely won't be getting any younger?"

.........."That's correct Tim. With you I would not even offer this stabilization. I am certain that you are all done de-aging." Replied Krell.

..........Tim was all smiles.

.......... " I will answer any other questions later. Right now I would like to introduce the latest member of the female gender. Miss Mary Donna Floyd" Dr. Krell said.

..........Krell closed the dispensary door. With that Karen slid the curtain aside so that everyone in the room could now see the person on the bed.

.........."Hi guys, I see that I made it, but look at this. Isn't this unreal." Said Phil.

..........Lying on the bed was a young girl of about fourteen years old. She was dressed in a pretty pink cotton nightgown with white lace trim around the neckline and sleeve cuffs.

..........She obviously was wearing a long sandy blonde shoulder length wig. She had beautiful blue eyes set into a small round feminine face. Joe guessed she was probably about five-four in height and around one hundred and five pounds in weight. She looked like a very pretty early teenage girl.

..........To each of them, This image on the bed was an inspiration. Somehow each knew that the troubles that had beset them earlier was nothing compared to the person on the bed. That person had given up his entire way of life and had assumed a totally new one in every respect solely for the purpose of self preservation. Each of the ladies it in the room could feel.

..........This was what it was all about. Make the best of a situation, survive and go on. What Tim saw was basically the same but to him it was someone his own age that he could share experiences with.

.........."Cool name Mary. I think it is fabulous." Exclaimed Tim.

..........Tim went over to Mary. He bent over and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek. It was so unlike Tim. A totally feminine gesture. Tim whispered in Mary's ear so that no one else could hear him except Joe who was standing next to him. "When it's time, I would like you to move in with my sister and me. You need a place to stay and we would love to have you.

.........."Thanks Tim. "I'll do that. Your a great friend. You too Joe."

..........Joe felt tears come into his eyes. What Tim had just done and said to Mary was an act of love and compassion. Joe knew that the 'male" Tim would have never done that. Joe felt an immense sense of pride in his little friend. Joe also bent down and kissed Mary on the cheek.

.........."Welcome to our growing 'Club'. He said. When you are ready, We are all here ready to help you.

.........."Thanks Joe. You are all just terrific. Looks like I am a girl now huh?

.........."I don't think anyone would be able to say otherwise. If I didn't know better you sure would fool me."

..........Dr. Krell went over to Norm. "Looks like you have a new invention now. That "Cage" sure would make my life a lot easier at the clinic."

.........."Doctor, I intend to move this whole thing to your clinic. I am going to give you an exclusive license to use the thing jointly with Honeybone for five years. Any profits we can split fifty/fifty. Deal?" said Norm.

..........Dr. Krell burst into a huge smile. He took Norm's hand and shook it vigorously.

.........."Do you know how many people I can help in five years Norm. Hell I could change half the men in the country into girls in that time.

..........Thank you Norm. You are a Gentleman...ah.. Lady."

..........Everyone in to room burst into applause.

..........Mary got out of bed and She and Tim, Joe, Michelle, Karen and Dave walked quietly out into the lounge.

..........Norm and Dr. Krell continued to be engaged in discussions as to how to best utilize this new wonder machine.

.......... Joe sprung for a round of diet cola and they all sat down at one of the round tables. No one was in the lounge and they were able to talk freely.

.........."Well, well, look at you Mary. What a change. How do you feel? Asked Dave.

.........."Jeez, I spent an hour this morning after Dr. Krell got through with his examination just looking at myself in the mirror. I can't believe this. Look at me. I'm look just like a little girl."

.........."A twenty eight year old little girl . Where did you get the nightgown? It is cute.

.........."Oh, Karen went out to the mall and picked it up. She must have known what size to get. She got me the wig too. I have got to make this change of image work from the start. It fits good but feels strange. I put these things on just before you came in. Karen even made me put on some panties. Imagine that."

.........."You will get used to them Mary. They feel real neat. Better than men's jockeys said Michelle

.........."How did you come to pick your new name?" Michelle asked.

..........'Mary was my Grandmother's name. Donna is the feminine for Don of course and that was my father's middle name. And Floyd I just picked at random because I like the way it sounds."

..........Well it sure is a nice one. Sounds like an actress' name. Are you planning to be a movie star or something?" quipped Karen.

.........."No not hardly. Maybe a nurse like you might be nice. I certainly have no intention of going back into any kind of government work, that's for sure. You get killed that way or get turned into a girl" Mary said jokingly.

..........Everyone laughed at that.

..........So when do I get a chance to get out of here Mary asked of Karen.

.........."Oh anytime you feel up to it. Dr. Krell has completed his exams. You are as healthy as you could possibly be. Complete and without any problems. Did you file your paperwork?"

.........."Yes, I filed that last night just before I went into the Cage. It was done instantly. Since I had a US Government drivers license, all I have to do is supply the agency with a picture and I will get a driver's license in any State that I choose. The Agency will sent the license to Dr. Krell and I just have to pick it up from him. I already have a Social Security card with my new name and new number."

.........."So basically your old identity just disappears?" asked Dave.

.........."No not really. The agency will see that Philip Berg is marked deceased on all my existing records. Killed in a plane crash in Ecuador or something. If an operative gets killed in the line of duty his next of kin gets his pension for life and it is a substantial amount.

.........."In my case I will me listed as the next of kin and I will get my pension that way. "

.........."They can do that?" asked Tim.

.........."In a heart beat Tim. They can do just about anything they want."

.........."They need some women running that place." Tim responded.

.........."Listen Tim, we have women working in the Agency's top management. They are NOT ladies. You would not want to get in their way....damn I've got to pee.

.........."The ladies room is for you now Mary. It's over there pointing to the far side of the room. Don't forget to sit down first." Dave quipped.

.........."Good thing you told me Dave. I might have made a mess otherwise." Said Mary, returning the banter.

..........Mary walked off towards the ladies room. It was obvious to everyone present just how beautiful a girl she was.

..........Tim spoke up, "I have some clothes in the car. I think Mary is my size.

..........I will go get them for her. Karen if you have some makeup with you, can you get her looking half way decent so we can go down to the Mall and get her some clothes of her own?"

..........Sure Tim, Karen replied, I'll take care of getting her looking pretty.

..........How about the rest of you guys? Want to go on a shopping trip?" asked Joe.

..........Karen said she couldn't. She had some more work to do with Dr. Krell. Dave bugged off. He and Cindy were going out to eat later.

..........Michelle said she had to go home and get ready for a date that night.

.........."Ok Guys," said Joe, Tim and I will take care of this. We kind of like this shopping stuff anyway. Michelle you need to talk to Dr. Krell before you leave. He has some interesting news for you." Joe knew that the news would make her happy.

..........Mary had returned to the Lounge.

..........I think we ALL should, as a group, get together and talk over our plans for the future. Maybe we ought to make this 'club' into a real one."

.........." Hey that's a great idea. The Greater Arizona Ladies Society, GALS for short." Michelle said jokingly.

.........."I like that. Does everyone agree on the new 'GALS Club'?" asked Tim.

..........A round of spontaneous applause went up in the room. No one voiced any opposition and by silent mutual consent the 'Club' came into existence. An 'Association' that had no precedent as to it's membership make up.

.........."Before we go, how about if us girls set up a meeting soon.

..........Joe realized what he had just said, he had referred to them as girls. He had not even considered using the vernacular 'guys' that had been so common before, yet he did not care anymore.

.........."Good idea Joe. I have a lot of things I think you would all like to hear. Especially with my new boyfriend" Michelle said playfully.

.........."OK" said Dave. How about two weeks from today at Bertucci's?"

.........."That's good with me. I have to go home and meet my parents and present them with there new daughter. That will give me enough time to let them get used to the idea." Said Tim.

.......... "Yes and I am going with him. I'll let Norm know as well" said Joe.

..........Tim said. " I will be bringing Mary with me to my dad's if she wants to go. Joe felt a warm feeling inside him. Tim had a new friend that he could relate to. And that was great. Joe thought.

.........."It is settled then. We will all see each other in two weeks. Said Joe.

.........."Oh by the way. Tim and I have decided to remain females permanently." Joe said.

.........."What makes you think any of us are going to do any differently?" Dave asked. Everyone started to laugh. After hugs and kisses were exchanged, the party broke up.

..........Dave and Michelle said their goodbyes and left together. Tim went out to the parking lot to get the clothes for Mary. Karen and Joe went into the ladies room with Mary to give her, her first lesson in makeup and get her ready for her first public excursion as a girl.

..........Joe looked over his shoulder as he passed the entrance to the dispensary, Norm and Dr. Krell were still engaged in discussions. Joe could not help but shake his head. Big business still did not change no matter what sex you are., he thought.

..........Unknown to any of them, Jim has sitting in the Cage. The automatic timer he had installed on the transmitters had just turned on.......

..........When Joe entered the Ladies room Karen had Mary out of her sleepwear and she was standing in front of the floor length mirror in just her panties. Karen had already applied the necessary makeup and as Joe crossed the room Mary saw him in the mirror.

.........."Joe would you look at this. I can't believe it. Five hours ago I was a rough and tough CIA agent. Look at me. I'm no more than a teenager. Jeez Joe. Last night I screwed Tim because I thought I was getting to 'Rob the Cradle'. Now I am the 'Cradle'

.........."And a damned pretty one at that Mary."

.........."Oh ya, Mary, I almost forgot. That is my new name now isn't it.

.........."Yup said Joe. And now it is time to look like a Mary too. Not that you don't already. Tim is bringing you in some clothes from his car. Some extras he has. You and Tim are just about the same size. After you get dressed we are going to the Mall to get you a new wardrobe."

..........At that moment Tim came in to the Ladies room.

.........."All I had was the purchase I made last night. Becky and I went to the her Pack-Mail outlet and you know how I am getting. I just couldn't resist going into JC Penny's and shop around. These should fit you Mary. They may be a little much for your first time in girl's clothes, but you might as well dive right in."

..........Tim placed on the clothes rack a white pleated skirt along with a knitted white sleeveless pullover with little blue embroidered flowers for a design. He also placed on the vanity a white bra, white nylon panties and a matching camisole and short half slip.

..........Here try these on. I think you will look great in them. Said Tim

..........Mary/Phil looked at the dainty items for a minute. "Damn. I cant put those on Tim. I'll never fit in them."

.........."Oh I wouldn't be to sure about that." replied Joe.

.........."I thought the same thing the first time I tried it. They will fit. Believe me."

..........Karen spoke up. "Ok you guys. Let me help her get dressed. Two is company, three or four is a crowd. Besides you to girls are still gawking like men."

.........."Can't help it Karen. Mary is a doll you know." Said Tim.

.........."We'll be in the lounge when your done Karen." said Joe.

..........Karen replied, "We will only be a few minutes."

..........When Tim and Joe returned to the lounge Norm and Dr. Krell were there still in discussion. "Hi Joe, Tim where is everyone?" asked Norm.

..........Joe and Tim filled Norm and Dr. Krell on what had been discussed.

.........."That is terrific. I will make a point of being here for that meeting. I have to return to Minneapolis in the morning to make some arraignments regarding the "Cage". I am sure my new appearance is going to cause quite a stir when I get back."

.........."Do you think it is going to put you in a compromising position Norm?" asked Joe.

.........."Well I am sure some of the board members are not going to like it. There may even be a move to replace me as President of the company. But I have a surprise up my sleeve... er dress for them. Norm laughed.

.........."Oh, how is that." asked Tim.

.........."Well, I had made up my mind to do this gender change as soon as I heard about it. I knew it was Honeybone property and that I had to have control over it's use. So... I quietly bought up controlling interest in the company. I now own outright fifty and one half percent of the outstanding stock. So you see I can not be replaced. Those machos on the board are in for a surprise. I also had my personal attorney make up the necessary paperwork to change my gender.. Before I even came here I had already legally changed my name to Norma Peterson. You see Joe, it can be a woman's world."

.........."Norm I am sure glad you are on our side in this. One of us. I would have been pretty scared that we would be left out to dry if anyone else had been in your place." Said Joe.

.........."Joe you can be sure that from now on, You and the rest of the girls will always have your interests and jobs protected. As for the Cage, It will be turned over to Dr. Krell here. He will have unrestricted use and access to it.

..........Norma and I have decided to leave the Cage right where it is. We are afraid that trying to move it will cause it to break down and we may never get it to work again. I am moving my offices here to Phoenix. All my patients will be relocated to a new clinic which will be built across the street from here. Norma is going to sell me the land. A lot of new ladies will be coming thru those doors." Said Dr. Krell

..........It was obvious that Dr. Krell was delighted.

..........All eyes turned towards the lounge doors as Karen and Mary came in.

..........Karen said. "May I truly introduce the new Miss Mary Donna Floyd.

..........Mary Donna curtsied. Obviously this had been shown to her by Karen and this was a cute set up. Albeit a nice touch.

..........Everyone present applauded.

..........Mary was a delight to see. The white and blue pullover fit her perfectly. The long hair wig was brushed out over her shoulders and complimented her petite round face. Karen had done an excellent job with the makeup she had with her. The white pleated skirt came just above her knees and fit her hips perfectly. She did not have any shoes on though. She looks like an Angel, Joe thought.

..........It was obvious that Tim was happy. He had the biggest grin on his face.

..........Mary was flushed. She was quite embarrassed.

..........Don't let these girls bother you Mary." Said Karen. They were all in the same boat just a few days ago."

..........Dr. Krell, the only male present got up from his seat and offered Mary a chair.

.........."Why thank you Doctor." She said. Your a Gentleman.

..........Tim asked to be excused for a short time. " I am going back out to the car. I think I have some pumps that Mary can wear to the Mall."

..........When Tim returned he gave Mary a pair of off white pumps with two inch heels. Mary tried them on. Perfect fit.

..........Joe thought to himself, "If Mary moves in with Tim, He could see it all now, The two of them would be sharing clothes like twin sisters. The two young girls moving in together would probably be the best therapeutic medicine that either of them could possibly ask for.

..........Joe said, Well lets get going. It is getting late, I am getting famished. Besides we have a lot of shopping to do.

..........Jo-Ellen, Tammy and Mary said goodbye and left Karen, Norm and Dr. Krell in the lounge.

..........Karen went back into the dispensary to finish the cleanup. Dr. Krell and Norma went to lab to look over the possibilities of converting the lab to medical use without disturbing the cage.

..........They entered the lab and found a pretty young woman sound asleep in the chair inside the cage.

More Bates Endings Next Issue here on Sapphire's Channel!