What's New
Profile & Tidbits
KG Timeline
I Remember AD
Quote of the Month
Garnett's Game

Photo Galleries
Movie Clips
Audio Clips

Latest Photos

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year
10 Years of KG
KG Came 2 Town

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year
McFarlane Figure

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year
KG Came to Town

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

Stats and Results
Photos of the Year

NBA Draft '95
High School Photos
Childhood Photos

Site Info
Site History
Garnett Resources
T-Wolves Resources
Basketball Sites
Site History

I began this site in December of 2001. If I remember correctly, I signed up for this Geocities account on December 18. At the time, I really didn't know what I was doing. I hardly knew any HTML, hardly knew where or how to begin creating a site about Kevin Garnett. So I started out small. Armed with a book that taught me how to do basic HTML, I started with typing a paragraph or two, and uploading a KG picture.

And it all took off from there.

For the first two years, my site looked kind of awkward. The icons on the left didn't really blend in with the blue gradient background, and stuck out like a sore thumb.

I didn't care.

I did care about the content, though. I enjoy writing, so I can always spit out my thoughts on a recent game or event. So text was never a problem. Things like downloads and pictures were a problem. At the time, I had very little pictures. There was no real photo gallery. Initially, I wanted to do a "Top 10 photos of the year." But I scrapped that idea, thinking it was simply insufficient.

People always like picture galleries. That's almost always the first thing they look for: Does a website have nice, quality photos? Especially for something like basketball, where pictures capture the energy and beauty of the sport, and thus often speak louder than mere words. I realized I had collected so many photos from all these years, it'd be a real shame if I didn't share them. So I busted out some of my best stuff. Suffice to say, I'm really proud of the photos galleries :)

It was only in December of 2003 that I cleaned up the overall look of the site, to make it more pleasing to the eye. Nothing fancy or advanced. It gets the job done, and I'm happy. I guess it looks alright now, although the white text on black background does strain my eyes after a while, especially on a bright monitor. I do like the blue and black. Them Timberwolves colours.

Over the years, I've received some very nice e-mails from visitors, whose compliments always humble me. It makes me feel good to hear from fellow KG fans, and to know that they've enjoyed visiting my little site. For all of you who took the time to visit my site, sign my guestbook, or even e-mail me -- I thank y'all.


This was the site before 2004.

This was the site as of October 4, 2006.